Angela Larson
Pure Parker Moisture Renewal Anti Dandruff Shampoo and Conditioner

Angela Larson

Struggling with a flaky scalp, Angela would find the organic anti-dandruff treatment beneficial.

Persona Group: Health and Beauty Conscious Individuals
Job title:
Freelance Graphic Designer
Seattle, Washington, USA
Marital status:
Company Size:
Company Size:


Angela is an environmentally conscious person, alwaysseeking out organic, sustainable, and eco-friendly products. She valuesauthenticity and transparency in the brands she supports. An avid fan of yogaand healthy living, she spends her free time exploring vegan recipes and hikingtrails. Angela cherishes a minimalistic lifestyle, though she won't shy awayfrom investing in quality products that align with her values.


Behavior Patterns:

Angela enjoys a well-structured routine, especially inher skincare and haircare. She shops online primarily, and extensivelyresearches products before purchase. She can be seen browsing through customerreviews and reading ingredient lists. She rarely deviates from products thathave proven effective.



Living in a two-bedroom apartment in downtown Seattle,Angela enjoys the energy of city life. She's part of a community of like-mindedcreative freelancers who value work-life balance. She often attends farmers'markets and thrift stores and cultivates an indoor garden.


How would the product benefit or help persona?

Struggling with a flaky scalp, Angela would find theorganic anti-dandruff treatment beneficial. It aligns with her preference fornatural, safe products while addressing her specific hair concern.


Context-Specific Details:

Angela often experiences scalp discomfort and visibleflakes, impacting her confidence. She wants a solution that is both safe andeffective.



Angela aims for a holistic, healthy lifestyle. Sheaspires to find a long-term natural solution for her scalp issue withoutcompromising her organic-focused values.


Decision-making Process:

Angela relies on user reviews, detailed productdescriptions, brand values, and ingredients list when making purchasingdecisions. She values recommendations from her community of friends and peers.


Pain Points:

Angela is frustrated by the lack of effective naturalalternatives for dandruff. She is concerned about the potential side effects ofchemical-based products on her health and the environment.


Frequently Used Apps, Technologies, Brands:

Angela frequently uses Adobe Creative Suite, Trello,Slack, Instagram, Pinterest, and Etsy. She is a fan of brands like Patagonia,LUSH, The Body Shop, and Whole Foods Market.



"I believe in living a life that's balanced andkind to both my body and the environment."



'Organic dandruff treatment', 'Natural anti-dandruffsolutions', 'Eco-friendly scalp care', 'Safe anti-dandruff treatment'.


Color Palette:

#8B4513 (Saddle Brown) and #FFD700 (Goldenrod).

Actively looking for new and effective treatments for his patients, specifically those suffering from sickle cell disease.