Andrew Zimmerman
Novartis Drug: ADAKVEO®

Andrew Zimmerman

Actively looking for new and effective treatments for his patients, specifically those suffering from sickle cell disease.

University of Colorado School of Medicine
Wife (Pediatrician), Two children
$350,000 - $500,000
Job title:
MD with specialty in Oncology
Denver, Colorado
Marital status:
Company Size:
Company Size:

Psychographics:Driven, empathetic, dedicated to life-long learning, values patient care andevidence-based medicine.

BehaviorPatterns: Routinely reads medical research papers, frequents oncology forums,attends conferences, and partakes in continuous education.

Background:Raised in a medical family, where both parents were physicians. Has always beenpassionate about cancer research and patient care.

Environment:Works in a well-established cancer center in Denver with access to modernmedical technologies and tools.

Context-specificDetails: Actively looking for new and effective treatments for his patients,specifically those suffering from sickle cell disease.

Goals:To provide the best evidence-based care for his patients, continuously improvehis knowledge, and contribute to cancer research.

Decision-makingProcess: Heavily relies on clinical trials, research data, and recommendationsfrom trusted colleagues and expert panels.

Howdoes your product help doctors provide better care? Adakveo helps reduce thefrequency of vaso-occlusive crises in patients with sickle cell disease, thusimproving their quality of life.

Whatare the strongest reasons for buying? Proven efficacy of drug, positivefeedback from patients, and strong clinical trial data.

Doothers influence their healthcare information gathering or decision process?Yes, trusted colleagues, research studies, expert panels, and medical forums.

Whatis their buying process and how quickly do they take action to seek services?After careful evaluation of the drug's efficacy and consultation withcolleagues and medical representatives, he will recommend the drug to suitablepatients.

Rolein buying process: Decision-maker and Influencer

PainPoints: Lack of effective treatments for specific conditions, time constraints,keeping up-to-date with new research.

Namesof Frequently Used Apps: UpToDate, Medscape, PubMed, Teams

Technology:Uses modern medical technologies and software for patient care and management.Owns a MacBook Pro and an iPhone 12 Pro.

Brands:Apple, Novartis, Medtronic, Roche

Quotes:"In the fight against cancer, knowledge is our greatest weapon."

Keywords:Evidence-based, Patient-Centered, Innovative, Compassionate Care, Adakveo,Sickle Cell Disease, Oncology

Hexcolor codes palette and color names for Dr. Andrew Zimmerman: #3D5A80(Independence), #98C1D9 (Morning Blue).

Actively looking for new and effective treatments for his patients, specifically those suffering from sickle cell disease.